Throttled Adventures

Special Guests: Go Ruffly Around the World update with Jess and Greg

Chappy and Cody Season 2 Episode 35

We had another opportunity, as you will hear why in this episode, to talk to Jess and Greg Stone from GoRuffly and catch up on what they have been doing for the last 6 months. If you are not familiar with GoRuffly they are a Husband and Wife team that runs a business centered around riding with your dog on your motorcycle, and they offer products such as The Cockpit (custom engineered for your bike) for your dog and other items such as leashes, collars etc. 

If you want to follow them along their journey the links below will send you directly to their content.

GoRuffly website: 

GoRuffly Youtube: 

Follow Jess and Moxie on Instagram: 

Mototomic has apparel for the motorcycle enthusiast designed by motorcycle enthusiasts.
Booteechay Moto
Need some expert care for your ride?
Cycplus A2
This is the same tire pump that Cody and Chappy carry!

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